
Liens vers les sites Web et nos lectures avant le voyage:


Sélection de blogs de voyage:

Florilège de Bouquins:

  • Marco Polo: Le livre des merveilles (lu deux fois!)
  • Claude Marthaler: Entre selle et terre, l'homme frontière.
  • Adeline Reynouard et Olivier Godin: Tand'afrika
  • Alexandre Poussin, Sylvain Tesson: La marche dans le ciel
  • Bernard Ollivier, La longue marche
  • CCI (cyclo camping international): La manuel du voyage à vélo
  • Le magasine Carnets d'aventures

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello
    I would like to thank all of you for your contribution on my fantastic trip, by hosting me, by having a good meal, by sharing a glass of beer or tea with interesting conversation. During these 5 months from Ukraine to Iran, I had the pleasure to meet a lot of very nice people with who I learn about agriculture, culture, politic, arts,… You make this experience very enriching for myself.

    Now I back to France, I run between the family and friends and I need to start to look for a job but for the moment I don’t find the motivation!!
    It is a sharing mail but I have a personal thought for all of you when I add your name at the mailing list.
    See you soon


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